New one-off Resident Visa rules explained

The NEW one-off 2021 Resident Visa has been announced by Government today. This new resident visa will be offered to eligible work visa holders over two phases. The first round will be 1 December 2021 and the second 1 March 2022. INZ will be contacting eligible applicants for the 1 December round by the end of October.
To be eligible the applicant:
- must be onshore in New Zealand as at Wednesday 29 September 2021; and
- must currently hold or have applied for (and subsequently be granted) one of the eligible work visas.
Additionally, they must meet one of the following criteria:
- lived in New Zealand for three or more years, or
- earn above the median wage ($27 per hour or more), or
- work in a role on the Long Term Skill Shortage List, or
- hold occupational registration and work in the health or education sector, or
- work in personal care or other critical health worker roles, or
- work in a specified role in the primary industries.
The announcement suggests the timeframes for this Visa will be up to 1 year (opposed to the current lengthy 2 year Skilled Migrant processing times). This is due to a simplified assessment process allowing for quicker processing by INZ. Costs have yet to be announced, suggestions note it may be around the $2,000-$3,000 mark.
Other points to note:
- Eligible work visas are likely to include Essential Skills, Work to Residence, and Post Study Work visas. Does not include Working Holiday/RSE etc.
- Expression of Interest Pool will remain closed until 31 July 2022.
- This Visa will only be available until 31 July 2022.
- This visa will also be available for anyone who enters New Zealand as critical workers (including family members) until 31 July 2022.
- Policy details are yet to be finalised. All application requirements will become known over the coming weeks.
For eligibility queries, refer to the eligibility checker on INZ’s website:
All other information can be accessed here:
Should you need any advice in preparation of this new visa, contact myself on or 03 441 0616.
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